Past Events: Teaching

Spring Pedagogy Symposium

11:00 am–1:45 pm
Ida Noyes Library (1212 E. 59th St.)

This keynote address and discussion, hosted by the Chicago Center for Teaching and Learning, will focus on his research on imposter phenomenon and its relationship to mental health and academic outcomes among minoritized students.


Inclusive Assessment

3:00–4:30 pm
Eckhardt Research Center, Room 161

In this workshop, participants will consider different ways of documenting students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to gauge students’ ongoing learning and barriers to learning.


Challenging Conversations

10:00–11:15 am
William Eckhardt Research Center, ERC 201B Seminar Room

Challenging conversations about societal concerns can be a part of rigorous engagement, requiring students to explore various points of view as they discern their stance. These moments are also unexpected, as students come to class with vexing questions and concerns about the world on their minds. In this workshop, participants will be introduced to strategies for planning for difficult discussions and for constructively reacting to unexpected, fraught moments.


Creating an Inclusive Learning Environment

10:00–11:15 am

Creating accessible and inclusive learning experiences is important for safeguarding all students’ course participation and ability to learn. In order to create rigorous, inclusive environments, we need to be mindful of situational factors at play in our pedagogical choices.


Forum on Teaching in the Core

9:30 am–3:30 pm
Ida Noyes Hall, West Lounge

The Core is a defining feature of undergraduate education in the College and can be one of the more rewarding teaching experiences at UChicago. Join the Masters of the Humanities and Social Sciences Collegiate Divisions and new and experienced Core instructors to discuss the aims and methods of Core teaching at the eighth annual Forum on Teaching in the Core.


Experiments in Grading and Assessment: A Faculty Panel

4:00–5:30 pm

In this panel, instructors from across the disciplines will discuss their efforts to implement new grading and assessment methods aimed at better supporting student learning and fostering an inclusive classroom environment.


Community Engagement in Context

10:00–11:00 am

This workshop will provide academics with a framework for understanding community engagement in context. Drawing on past and present examples of the University’s relationship with the South Side of Chicago, the workshop will help attendees build a shared vocabulary, discuss engagement practices, and identify shared priorities to advance community-engaged research that is more bi-directional and mutually beneficial.


Recognizing and Addressing Bias

12:00–1:15 pm
Zoom meeting

Unconscious or implicit biases are the attitudes, preferences, and assumptions that any person holds toward another individual or group of people. In this workshop, educators will consider the impact of negative biases on student learning and how to address them.


Inclusive Assessment

12:00–1:15 pm
Zoom meeting

Educators can use inclusive formative assessment to understand students’ ongoing progress in a course and to refine their approach to teaching based on this understanding. In this workshop, participants will consider different ways of documenting students’ knowledge, skills, and attitudes in order to gauge students’ ongoing learning and barriers to learning. Instructors will also learn how to adjust their teaching to address the wide-range of learners in the classroom.


Symposium for Teaching with Technology

1:30–5:30 pm

The UChicago Symposium for Teaching with Technology brings together UChicago faculty, instructors, lecturers, learning designers, academic technologists, and students to share and showcase a wide variety of innovative and effective uses of technology in teaching and learning.


Symposium for Teaching with Technology

1:00–5:30 pm

The UChicago Symposium for Teaching with Technology brings together UChicago faculty, instructors, lecturers, learning designers, academic technologists, and students to share and showcase a wide variety of innovative and effective uses of technology in teaching and learning.


Inclusive Classroom Engagement

12:00–1:15 pm

Effective inclusive classroom engagement involves intentionally valuing diversity and allowing all individuals to fully participate in order to enhance learning for all students. In this session, participants will consider various elements of diversity, challenges to student engagement, and how to make moves toward vigorous student participation.


Inclusive Syllabus Design

12:00–1:15 pm

A course syllabus can set a tone of inclusion, welcome, and rigor. In this session, parcipants will explore how to create inclusive, welcoming syllabi that also signal intellectual challenge.


Standards, Practice, and Feedback: Assessment and Grading for Learning

12:30–2:00 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E (will move to Zoom should registration exceed available space)

In this workshop, we will think through the learning goals our assessments are meant to advance and explore practices for grading and feedback for promoting student learning, along with strategies for making grading more efficient.


Under Construction: Course (Re)Design for Learning

12:30–2:00 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E (workshop will move to Zoom if registration exceeds available space)

Learning is a process of constructing new knowledge. What does this mean for how we design a course? Come think through issues related to prior knowledge, motivation, and syllabus construction as we explore a framework for course design aimed at supporting student learning.


Transforming Class Discussion to Support Free Expression, Academic Inquiry, and Democratic Engagement: Part 2

4:00–5:20 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E (will move to Zoom if registration exceeds available space)

The workshop will cover principles and processes of free expression and discourse as well as provide models for fostering robust, inclusive, and productive class discussion.


Conducting Challenging Conversations

11:00 am–12:15 pm

In this session, we will discuss the benefits and struggles associated with having these kinds of difficult dialogues and consider some strategies for creating conditions to have productive conversations. Approaches for dealing with the unexpected will also be shared.


Transforming Class Discussion to Support Free Expression, Academic Inquiry, and Democratic Engagement: Part 1

4:00–5:20 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E (will be moved to Zoom if registration exceeds available space)

The workshop will cover principles and processes of free expression and discourse as well as provide models for fostering robust, inclusive, and productive class discussion.


Reengaging the In-Person Classroom: A Faculty Panel

12:30–2:00 pm

Midway through the quarter is a good time to take a step back and reflect on our reengagement with the in-person classroom and our students. What has been exciting or unexpected about this transition? What have been the challenges? How have we incorporated new pedagogical strategies or insights inspired by remote teaching over the last 18 months? In this panel discussion, faculty from across the disciplines will share their thoughts and questions on these issues, providing fodder for further reflection on how to think about this pedagogical moment.


Faculty Introduction to Mental Health First Aid

10:00–11:00 am

This session will share data on student mental health and highlight some of the warning signs and symptoms of a mental health concern or emotional crisis.


Teaching Inclusively

10:00–11:15 am

This session will provide an overview of inclusive teaching and suggest several strategies for acknowledging and activating diversity.


Reengaging the In-Person Classroom

3:30–5:00 pm

This workshop will focus on issues to consider when approaching the start of the Autumn Quarter, such as teaching with masks and creating a supportive learning environment in the current circumstances. Participants will also reflect on what they have learned about their teaching and students’ learning during the pandemic and how those insights might inform their pedagogy going forward.


What Comes Next? Learning from Our Pandemic Teaching: A Faculty Panel

2:00–3:00 pm

An extraordinary year (plus) of teaching in the midst of a pandemic has compelled us to learn, develop, and adopt a number of new teaching practices. With teaching and learning heading into yet another new phase in the next academic year, what have we learned from our pandemic teaching experiences, and how might those lessons shape our pedagogy going forward?


Translating Lessons on Remote and Hybrid Teaching to the Winter: A Faculty Panel for STEM Disciplines

2:30–4:00 pm

A panel of faculty and instructors from various STEM disciplines will share their reflections on remote and hybrid learning and engage in an open discussion.


Translating Lessons on Remote and Hybrid Teaching to the Winter: A Faculty Panel for the Humanities and Social Sciences

1:30–3:00 pm

Think through lessons learned about remote and hybrid teaching during the pandemic


Fostering Inclusive and Equitable Student Engagement

2:00–3:30 pm

It can be challenging to ensure that students discuss, interrogate, inquire, and question effectively and equitably. This workshop will focus on inclusive engagement and provide strategies for structuring learning that is productive for all students. We will discuss a framework for inclusion and strategies that can be applied to remote and face-to-face courses. This session will be led by the Chicago Center for Teaching.


Diversity, Inclusion and Language Teaching

2:00–3:00 pm

Join a discussion of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in language teaching. Professors Claudia Quevedo-Webb (University of Chicago) and Juan A. Godoy Peñas (University of Cincinnati) will share their work and lead this session on the implementation of DEI by incorporating social justice topics in language classroom, addressing the role of students’ identities in the learning process, and promoting critical thinking.


Culturally Responsive Mentorship: Evidence-Based Approach to Potentiating Talent Development

12:30–1:45 pm
Zoom meeting

Learn more about how to effectively mentor graduate students at this session offered in partnership with the Office of the Provost, the Chicago Center for Teaching, the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering, and the Biological Sciences Division.


Translating Lessons on Remote Teaching to the Fall: A Faculty Roundtable

1:00–2:30 pm
Zoom web conference

As you begin planning for the Autumn Quarter, you have an opportunity to think through lessons learned after an extraordinary Spring Quarter of remote teaching and learning. What strategies proved to be successful? What challenges did you face and how did you adapt? A roundtable of faculty and instructors from across disciplines will share their reflections on these and other questions, leading into an open discussion. 


Fostering Inclusive Remote Classrooms

2:00–3:15 pm
Zoom web conference

In this interactive workshop, we will consider how to apply principles of inclusive pedagogy to the unique opportunities afforded by remote teaching and learning.


Ways to Enhance STEM Courses with Inclusive Pedagogy

2:00–3:15 pm
Zoom web conference

With an understanding that inclusive pedagogy involves embracing diversity and fostering talent in a range of students, we will discuss specific inclusive strategies that have been used to enhance the participation of students in STEM courses.


Principles and Practices of Inclusive Pedagogy

2:00–3:15 pm
Zoom web conference

Inclusive teaching involves embracing diversity as an asset and designing courses and interactions that foster talent in a range of students. Join this interactive workshop in which participants will be introduced to a framework for inclusive pedagogy and explore how it can be applied in their courses. 


Reflections on Remote Teaching in STEM: A Faculty Roundtable

3:00–4:00 pm
Zoom web conference

Join a roundtable of faculty in STEM disciplines who will share their reflections and questions about remote learning, leading into an open discussion. 


Fostering Inclusion Online

9:00–9:30 am
Zoom web conference

UChicago faculty are invited to learn and discuss principles for building inclusive online environments in their classrooms, advising sessions, and office hours.


Early Reflections on Remote Teaching: A Faculty Roundtable

2:00–3:00 pm
Zoom web conference

Two weeks into this quarter of remote teaching is a good time to take a step back and think through how our courses are going so far. What has worked well? What adjustments are we making? What are we anticipating for the rest of the quarter? A roundtable of faculty will share their reflections and questions, leading into an open discussion.


BSD Faculty Teaching Workshop: An Introduction to Designing Your Course (a two-part series)

9:30–11:00 am
Gordon Center for Integrative Science, Room 500A

This workshop will begin with a discussion of how a student's prior knowledge influences learning. Session leaders will then introduce a framework to guide your course design and begin drafting learning objectives. The workshop will conclude by examining how to choose the teaching methods that will prepare students to meet your learning objectives and are appropriate for your particular class. Please note that although you will only register for the March 3 session from 9:30 - 11 a.m., this is a two-part series that continues on March 10 from 9:30 - 11 a.m.


How Our Biases Can Affect Our Teaching

2:00–4:00 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E

All people have biases. During this interactive session, participants will explore the impact of educators’ biases on teaching and learning, and identify strategies for mitigating their potential impacts.


Gathering Feedback to Improve Your Teaching

1:30–2:50 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 301 D/E

Receiving feedback on your teaching is an important tool for fostering an inclusive classroom. In this session, participants will discuss multiple methods for gathering feedback to improve teaching, and how to use feedback to communicate accomplishments in the classroom as well as areas for improvement.


Teaching by Discussion

1:30–2:50 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E

How can instructors establish a classroom environment in which discussion is active and inclusive? In this session, you'll explore the aims of teaching by discussion, as well as strategies for encouraging student participation.


Mentoring Graduate Students: Maintaining Effective Communication

1:00–2:30 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E

UChicago faculty are invited to participate in the first in a series of mentor training workshops, Maintaining Effective Communication.


Mentoring Graduate Students: Maintaining Effective Communication

10:00–11:30 am
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310D/E

UChicago faculty are invited to participate in the first in a series of mentor training workshops, Maintaining Effective Communication.


Inclusive Pedagogy Reading Group

3:30–5:00 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310D/E

The Inclusive Pedagogy Reading Group welcomes faculty, instructional professors, postdocs, and graduate students to explore topics around inclusion, teaching, and learning. This open discussion group will discuss "Teaching to Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom" by bell hooks.


BSD Teaching Workshop Series

9:30–11:00 am
Gordon Center for Integrative Science, Room 500A

In this workshop series (November 26 and December 3), you'll discuss how students' prior knowledge influences learning, explore a framework to guide your course design, examine active teaching methods, and discuss assessment.


Teaching with Objects

1:00–2:00 pm
Smart Museum of Art

Work with the Feitler Center to integrate artwork into your classroom.


BSD Teaching Workshop Series

9:30–11:00 am
Gordon Center for Integrative Science, Room 500A

In this workshop series (November 26 and December 3), you'll discuss how students' prior knowledge influences learning, explore a framework to guide your course design, examine active teaching methods, and discuss assessment.


Teaching by Discussion

12:30–2:00 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310D/E

How do you establish a classroom environment in which discussion is active and inclusive? In this session, explore the aims of teaching by discussion, as well as strategies for encouraging student participation.


Principles of Inclusive Pedagogy

2:00–4:00 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310D/E

This workshop will provide a space to discuss and explore principles and practices connected to inclusive pedagogy. Participants will consider their students, themselves, and how these inform how and what instructors teach.


Leveraging Feedback to Improve Your Teaching

12:30–2:00 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310D/E

Receiving feedback on your teaching is an important tool for fostering an inclusive classroom. In this session, we will discuss multiple methods for gathering feedback to improve your teaching, and how to use feedback to communicate your accomplishments in the classroom as well as areas for improvement.


Principles of Inclusive Pedagogy

3:00–5:00 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E

Discuss and explore principles and practices connected to inclusive pedagogy.


UChicago Bookstore Faculty & Administration Open House

Through May 10, 2019
UChicago Bookstore

Learn about course material affordability and get a demonstration of Faculty Enlight, a solution for researching and submitting course materials.

May. 6

Symposium for Teaching with Technology

8:00 am–3:00 pm
Regenstein Library, Rooms 122 and A-11

Discover innovative ways of integrating technology into the classroom.


Realizing a More Inclusive Pedagogy

11:30 am–3:30 pm
Ida Noyes Hall, East Lounge

Find out how inclusive teaching can be enacted in your classroom.


Inclusive Curriculum and Syllabus Design

3:00–5:00 pm
Social Sciences Research Building, Room 302

This workshop will guide faculty in the development and implementation of inclusive strategies for diversifying course content and designing a syllabus document.


Faculty Introduction to Mental Health First Aid

3:30–5:00 pm
Eckhardt Research Center 201B

This session will share data on student mental health and highlight some of the warning signs and symptoms of a mental health concern or emotional crisis.


Effective and Inclusive Classroom Engagement

3:30–4:30 pm
Wieboldt Hall, Room 310 D/E

This workshop will focus on inclusive engagement and provide strategies for structuring learning that are productive for all students.


Time Management

12:30–2:30 pm
Levi Hall fourth floor conference room

Discover how to balance the many competing responsibilities of academic life, including duties related to teaching, research, mentorship, and service.
